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[group member-NO-group] Why would you like to contact us? * —Please choose an option—Recommendation for Downtown Lewiston.Distribute information to the Downtown Lewiston Membership.I'm interested in opening a business in Downtown Lewiston.I'm interested in moving a business to Downtown Lewiston.I would like to add a residential listing to this site.I would like to add a commercial listing to this site.Reason is not listed here.
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[group nonmember-residential-listing]
[group nonmember-commercial-listing]
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[group member-YES-group] Why would you like to contact us? * —Please choose an option—Recommendation for Downtown Lewiston.Question about my membership.Change something about my membership.Distribute information to the Downtown Lewiston Membership.I would like to add a residential listing to this site.I would like to add a commercial listing to this site.Reason is not listed here.
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[group commercial-listing]
Address * Type * —Please choose an option—RetailOfficeMixed UseOther Floor * —Please choose an option—BasementStreet2nd Floor3rd Floor4th Floor5th FloorOtherEntire Building Sq/Ft * Option * —Please choose an option—For SaleFor LeaseFor Sale or Lease Description * Contact Name for this listing * Contact Email Address for this listing * [/group]
[group residential-listing]
Address * Floor * —Please choose an option—BasementStreet2nd Floor3rd Floor4th Floor5th FloorOther Sq/Ft * # of Bedrooms * # of Baths * Description * Contact Name for this listing * Contact Email Address for this listing * [/group]
[group member-distribute-title-yes] Title of your post * [/group]
[group distribute-disclaimer]